Indiana, Ohio Soybean Processors Report
St. Joseph, MO     Tue, Jan 19, 2021     USDA Market News

Weekly Indiana-Ohio Soybean Processor report

Indiana-Ohio Processor Bids and Offers as of 2:30 p.m.
(Prices Quoted-Oil Cents/lb, Meal, Hulls Dollars/ton, Grains Dollars/bu)

                         Offers          Change           Basis        Change
Crude Soybean Oil     42.95-43.20        DN 0.68      125H to 150H     UP 25

48% Soybean Meal R   455.50-470.50       DN 14.9       5H to 20H       UNCH

48% Soybean Meal T   464.50-470.50   DN 10.9-DN 14.9   14H to 20H    UP 4-UNCH

Soybean Hulls-bulk   120.00-185.00     DN 10-UNCH

                          Bids           Change           Basis        Change
Soybeans            13.7775-14.1575  DN 35.5-DN 28.5   -8H to 30H    DN 3-UP 4

Changes in oil are cents per pound, changes in meals/hulls are dollars
per ton, changes in soybeans are cents per bushel.
Changes are from the previous week
Soybeans = US 1 Yellow; Soybean Meal R = Rail, T = Truck

Chicago Board of Trade month symbols: F January, G February, H March, J April,
K May, M June, N July, Q August, U September, V October, X November, Z December

Source: USDA-MO Dept of Ag Market News, St. Joseph, MO
        Melissa Gregory, Market Reporter  816-676-7000

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